What is an AIS?
- A system for exchanging data (static identification and type information on the ship and dynamic position information) between ships and with the shore.
- Which operates on VHF (range of around 20 nq, up to 60Nq between ships and land).
- Mandatory for all passenger vessels, commercial vessels from 300 tjb and certain fishing vessels.
- A cooperative system that requires an AIS on board and transmitting to be detected.
What are the differences between an AIS/X and an AIS?
- An AIS/X is an AIS Class A developed specifically to meet the needs of buildings involved in State Action at Sea missions.
- 3 types of functions:
- adaptation of basic functions to the State’s missions (transmission in “discrete” mode, interfaces to control the AIS/X from a system, etc.).
- addition of private communities to limit exchanges to certain authorised actors.
- cyber defence functions (see below)
Which CYBER functions?
- Creation of false tracks
- Spoofing of the AIS identity and the ship position
- MMSI address spoofing in a text message
The addition of these cyber functions leads to a specific regulation of the marketing of AIS/X.
Automatic Identification System – eXtended
The AIS/X™ transponder has been developed specifically to meet the needs of administrations involved in the action of States at sea.
It is compatible with AIS Class A and Warship AIS (STANAG4668-4669).
The different emission modes (normal/discrete/quiet) of the transponder allow it to adapt to the different emission policies of the ship that is equipped with it. The encrypted mode allows information to be exchanged within different communities whose corresponding keys (AES algorithm) can be registered beforehand.
The functions of identity and position spoofing, the management of points of interest and the creation of false tracks make the AIS/X a real tool adapted to the different missions in the fight against illicit trafficking or IUU fishing. The transponder is equipped with a self-monitoring system (Built In Test Equipment concept) and alarms.